The key to success: be Logically Delusional

If I’ve learned anything from 4 months of creating content, it’s this:

you need to be

logically delusional.

In order to create something truly great, you need balance logic and delusion.

Delusional enough to think you can.

Logical enough to know it won't be easy.

Making something out of nothing requires a specific mindset.

You need to:

  • have a vision you believe will work no matter what.

  • trust yourself despite what anyone tells you.

  • play the long game —> it’s not going to happen overnight.

Be Delusional

It starts with you and only you.



People won’t understand what you’re trying to do at first.

They’ll think you’re crazy, out of your mind, lost, insane…and you may even start to believe them…

But you have to remember. Above all else: trust yourself.

You know what you have to do.

So do it.

Who’s going to stop you?

Answer: you.

You’re the only one who can stop you.

And that’s a beautiful thing. You’re in the driver’s seat. You’re the one in control.

If you’ve waited a long time to start, that’s okay. It took me a while to start this whole thing. But once I decided enough is enough, I committed 🤝

I got out of my own way, out of my own head, and I’m here now. Doing the thing.

How bad do you want it?

You know you’re going to die unhappy if you don’t do it.

There’s no secret formula, or someone who is going to do it for you…you just have to start.

You know it’s going to work.

Achieving your goal may feel so far away right now, but you know it’s possible.

You have that sense of delusion. And that’s completely okay. In fact, it’s exactly what you need.

You need to be delusional to do anything truly great.

If people say you’re crazy, it probably means you’re onto something…

Let your delusion ignite the fire within you 🔥

Start. Today.

Even after starting, you will surely have doubts. You will start to question yourself.

Am I doing it right?

Will it work?

Why’s it taking so long?

This is when the logic needs to kick in.

Be Logical

The delusion is necessary, but balancing it with logic is the key. Be logical about how long it’s going to take.

Anything truly great wasn’t built in a day. Or a week. Or even a year.

You have to commit to the long game.

Embrace the journey. Fall in love with the game.

Be rational about it.

You will no doubt face obstacles.

You will no doubt get some pushback, or haters.

That’s the price of admission. That’s what you’ve signed up for.

Again, it means you’re doing something right.

If you’re in the content game, stop looking at the view counts, or # of followers, or likes/dislikes, and put your foot on the gas pedal.

Show up every day. And success is inevitable.

No one’s going to notice what you’re doing at first.

It can feel like you’re shooting into the void. But you have to remember…

Shooters shoot.


Be Logically Delusional.

Commit 🤝

-Ryan Ward


i lost 10lbs eating only meat + fruit for 30 days


cut the bullsh*t. no more nonsense. commit 🤝