i lost 10lbs eating only meat + fruit for 30 days

Are you’re looking to lose a few lbs…?

In this video, I talk through my experience of eating only meat and fruit for a full 30 days. 

I got a bunch of questions from people after uploading the video, so I want to answer those questions and add another level detail that I didn’t cover in the video.

So here’s the full breakdown.


why did I only eat meat and fruit for a month?

We’ll get to meat + fruit in just a sec, but first,

why I chose to diet in the first place?

  1. I was sitting around 210lbs for a while. I feel best when I’m around 190-200lbs. I had enough of the pudginess and decided enough was enough. Time to buckle down. No more nonsense. Time to commit to a diet. Let’s get shredded again. 

  2. I like to experiment with different diets every now and then to see how I feel on each one.

The various factors I like to test are:

  • Energy levels - how my energy fluctuates after and in between meals

  • Digestion (including poops, yea…we’re gonna have a quick poop talk 💩 my only ask here is that you imagine it’s you taking a dump, not me. thanks.)

  • Inflammation (throughout the entire body)

  • Weight loss/gain

  • Fullness after eating

  • Relationship with food

I think it’s so important to test out different diets to figure out what’s best for you. And even more simply, setting diets aside, you need to figure out which foods make you feel amazing, and which foods make give you issues (with things like digestion, energy spikes, inflammation, etc.)

how did meat + fruit measure up?

For me, meat + fruit checked pretty much all of the boxes above. 

  • Energy levels - steady throughout the day, sometimes would feel a drop-off in energy after a 2 banana smoothie + honey and milk due to the amount of sugar, but nothing like a drop-off that a pizza or pasta would cause

  • Digestion - quick digestion, in and out. Poops are runnier than normal, but your body gets pretty regular and there’s no quick runs to the bathroom really (at least for me)

  • Inflammation - so little. No inflammation at all. This was a huge win. Joints felt loose. Body felt like a fucking machine. 

  • Weight loss/gain - 10lbs down. Sitting around 200lbs now. 

  • Fullness after eating - you feel full after eating but not for long. 

  • Relationship with food - You start to crave meat and fruit only. No processed foods. Your brain knows what it wants. 

All in all, would recommend and would do it again.


What kinds of meat and fruit?


  • mostly: steaks (i like top sirloin the best), ground beef, ground bison, ground lamb

    • preferably grass fed

  • some: chicken (thighs or breasts), pork (bacon/sausages)

    • limited pork intake --> can cause inflammation (treat pork like a dessert, eat sparingly)

  • + eggs - organic free range, or just free range if they don't have organic (technically not a meat of a fruit, but I count them in this

  • fish? I did not, you could though. I’d go for wild caught sockeye salmon if I did.


  • I would get the mixed fruit from Publix a lot of the time because it was the easiest for me to get.

    • pineapple, berries, cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, bananas…this is what they had the most of and the freshest of, you can do whatever you like here.

  • Preferably fresh. Canned has lower nutritional value. 

  • Preferably local produce from farmers market instead of grocery stores

Cook all foods in (either or a combo of both):

  • seasonings: salt + pepper

    • it's good to mix iodized salt + sea salt (this is a nice to have, not required)

    • you can do what you want here with seasoning, i like to keep it simple

  • sauces: generally no.

    • maybe some mustard or no sugar added ketchup with certain meats, but 90% of the time i do not use either.

Also, I threw in a tiny bit of honey in smoothies and on ground lamb here and there, but not much.

Some milk (whole organic grassfed) in my coffee in the morning as well as Great Lakes Gellatin collagen protein.

Timing is important, too. You don’t want to eat too late and have it sitting in your stomach all night. You want to be able to fully digest the food and that happens while you’re awake.

With that being said, I figured it would be helpful to see my full eating schedule on this diet.

Full eating Schedule

  • 5:00am - Wake up + Weigh in + Chug Water

  • 5:00-5:15am - Stretch

  • 5:15am - Coffee + collagen (milk optional)

    •  Coffee + whole milk (organic grassfed) + collagen protein (unflavored) 

    • or no milk, just coffee + collagen. 

    • definitely no sugar or bullsh*t creamer

  • 5:15-8:00am - Deep Work

  • 7:00-8:00am - Walk

  • 8:00-8:30am - Shower

  • 8:30-9:00am - Breakfast

    • Steak

    • 3-4 eggs

    • Mixed Fruit

    • If you can hit a quick 15 min walk after eating, do it. It's good for digestion.

  • 9:00am-5:00pm - Work + Meetings

    • Stretch throughout the day, even if it's a quick one in between meetings.

    • Small 30sec-1min stretches add up.

  • Sometime between 3:00-5:00pm - "Lunch/Dinner"

    • Meat: Steak/Chicken/Ground Beef/Ground Lamb

    • Mixed Fruit

  • 5:00-6:00pm - Workout/Walk

  • 6:00 - Stretch

  • 6:00 - 9:30pm - chill or work on something

This may seem like a lot to do, but if you look at it, there’s not much eating really. I try to keep it simple. 

This diet makes it so simple. Just meat or fruit, no guesswork or “what should i eat?”

Also, if you’re trying to lose weight, the key is to keep moving throughout the day. You should never be sitting or laying down for more than an hour at a time. You won't have any food comas on this diet. Generally, after every time you eat, you should move your body - either a walk or a stretch...or preferably both.

30 days is all it takes

If you do this for 30 days, you will feel like a new person. Guaranteed. 

Most people will look at this and do part of it for one day. And then forget about it. 

Something else on dieting that I touched on in the video: if you want to lose weight, you need to commit to a diet and stick to it for at least 30 days. 

This includes: 

  • no alcohol

  • no cheat days

30 days. Locked in. Committed. No nonsense. 

Prepare yourself for this next bit. It’s not for everyone. But it needs to be said. 

In life, you can get caught up in getting too comfortable. Comfortable going out each weekend, comfortable eating whatever you want, comfortable with your dad bod or your muffin top. 

I was comfortable. I was okay with the little chubbiness I had. Until I wasn’t anymore.

To put it bluntly, I realized I was being a little b*tch. And it was time for a change. 

Right now, there’s this whole ideology/trend around accepting your own body for what it is no matter how fat or skinny you are. I get it. I know. I’ve seen the ads and the videos talking about it. And look, you’re gonna do whatever you’re gonna do. But if you’re not in the best shape, it is going to affect your health at some point if it hasn’t already. We only get one body in this life. Treat it with love and care. Treat it like its your only one. Because it is.

Like I said, this message isn’t gonna be for everybody.

But if you want to make a change…

Fuck your cheat days. Stop drinking. 30 days. Lock in.

It's not that hard. Stop being a little b*tch and just do it.

Future you will thank you. 

-Ryan Ward


work hard or rest hard. nothing in between.


The key to success: be Logically Delusional