on 30 day commitments | no nonsense. 012.

1 full breakdown of the meat + fruit diet

i lost 10lbs eating only meat + fruit for 30 days

  • Full video and article breakdown of the meat and fruit diet. Enjoy :) lmk if you have any other questions, happy to help.

2 30-day commitments completed

Full breakdown on the meat + fruit diet:

  • why i did it.

  • how i felt during it.

  • will i do it again?

I wanted to address this again after the video cut out on my in the first video about meat + fruit. I talk about the actual foods I was eating in that video (here). The full breakdown is in the article above, highly recommend you read that and watch this video if you’re curious about doing meat + fruit only.

some more goodies on this topic below as well :)

i recorded myself talking to the camera 30 days in a row. here's why you should too. | PR30 16

30 videos in 30 days.

No cuts. One take. Every video.

Press Record. Let it rip.

In this video I share some I lessons learned while making these videos that I think will be helpful to anyone else out there who comes across my channel. Maybe you’re thinking about doing something similar…👀 hope this helps persuade. It’s an absolute life-changer.

3 more videos on the meat + fruit diet

Joe Rogan on Carnivore + Fruit diet | @GoodClip2 x Joe Rogan

meat only = flat workouts

meat + fruit = feel amazing

Thomas DeLauer and Noah Syndergaard on carnivore + fruit diet | Thomas DeLauer x Noah Syndergaard

Thomas DeLauer is a great follow. All sorts of health/nutrition content. Cool to see him breakdown the meat + fruit diet with a professional athlete and see which foods he’s eating and why.

Bloodwork discussion with Doctor after 1 year of Carnivore + Fruit diet | Lillie Kane x Dr. Sabina Solt (@drsolt)
Super interesting to hear a doctor talk through all of these metrics with this couple who ate only meat and fruit for a year.

Have a nice Saturday!



on work vs. rest | no nonsense. 013.


on logical delusion | no nonsense. 011.