On not giving a f*ck | Contentsation 002

1 article on Why You should Shave your Head

Balding? Just shave it off. | me

In this piece, I share my balding —> bald story.

  • Everything I tried to cover up my own balding and why you should avoid them.

  • Pics from my barbering days

  • Video footage of my IG Live stream shaving my head for the first time

  • An update on what I look like today.

You get it all. Enjoy :)

2 mini pods summed up in 2 words

“Fall Forward” | Denzel Washington

Denzel Washington’s speech from the University of Pennsylvania's 255th Commencement on Monday, May 16, 2011. Full video footage here. Listen to this at the start of your morning walk. See what happens.

“Just Work” | How to Take Over the World with Ben Wilson | Arnold Schwarzenegger

Sick pod if you haven’t heard of it. Ben Wilson does deep dives on all sorts of prominent figures from modern day and throughout history talking about how they achieved their success. Highly recommend.

3 Stoic quotes on Life and Death

“Don’t let yourself forget how many doctors have died, after furrowing their brows over how many deathbeds. How many astrologers, after pompous forecasts about others’ ends. How many philosophers, after endless disquisitions on death and immortality. How many warriors, after inflicting thousands of casualties themselves. How many tyrants, after abusing the power of life and death atrociously, as if they were themselves immortal. How many whole cities have met their end: Helike, Pompeii, Herculaneum, and countless others.

And all the ones you know yourself, one after another. One who laid out another for burial, and was buried himself, and then the man who buried him—all in the same short space of time.

In short, know this: Human lives are brief and trivial.”

— From “Meditations“ (Book IV, Passage 48) by Marcus Aurelius

“We plan distant voyages and long-postponed home-comings after roaming over foreign shores, we plan for military service and the slow rewards of hard campaigns, we canvass for governorships and the promotions of one office after another—and all the while death stands at our side; but since we never think of it except as it affects our neighbour, instances of mortality press upon us day by day, to remain in our minds only as long as they stir our wonder.

Yet what is more foolish than to wonder that something which may happen every day has happened on any one day? There is indeed a limit fixed for us, just where the remorseless law of Fate has fixed it; but none of us knows how near he is to this limit.”

— From “Letters from a Stoic” (letter number 101, “On the Futility of Planning Ahead”), by Roman Stoic philosopher Seneca the Younger, circa 65 CE

“Do you likewise remind yourself that you love what is mortal; that you love what is not your own. It is allowed you for the present, not irrevocably, nor forever; but as a fig, or a bunch of grapes, in the appointed season. If you long for these in winter you are foolish. So, if you long for your son, or your friend, when you cannot have him, remember that you are wishing for figs in winter. For as winter is to a fig, so is every accident in the universe to those things with which it interferes. In the next place, whatever objects give you pleasure, call before yourself the opposite images. What harm is there, while you kiss your child, in saying softly, ‘To-morrow you may die’; and so to your friend, ‘To-morrow either you or I may go away, and we may see each other no more.’

‘But these sayings are ominous.’

And so are some incantations; but, because they are useful, I do not mind it; only let them be useful.”

— From the “Discourses of Epictetus” (Book III, Chapter 24), based on informal lectures by the Stoic philosopher Epictetus that were collected by his student Arrian, published circa 108 CE.

Memento Mori: Remember That You Will Die

4 tweets to inspire you

Why you should shave your head | @zachpogrob 🏴

If you’ve seen Zach, you know one thing for sure. And if you haven’t, it won’t take long for you to figure out…

He is 🏴 OBSESSED 🏴 .

His content helped me find the courage to start doing this whole thing myself. A fellow former college soccer player who also shares the same ambition as myself.

He’s a little futher along in his journey than I am, which has been really helpful for me to see what’s possible.

If you see this Zach, thanks for doing what you’re doing. I’m excited to see what happens next.

Tips for new creators (a thread) | me

Well this popped tf off, didn’t it?

For transparency, this was the first tweet I’ve promoted. $100 over 4 days. This photo is mid campaign.

Why did I decide to pay Elon for eyeballs?

I knew that I’ve putting out (jimmy) heaters, but I just didn’t have the exposure yet. So this was me testing my theory that: if more people see my ideas, it will resonate with them.

And sure enough, I have my proof of concept.

This was a big win for me. Onward and upward 📈

My theory, a week prior | also me

1 like… ✅

Going from this tweet to the thread you just saw above just goes to show you what you’re capable of within a week’s time of ideas marinating and getting some actual eyes on your content.

Yea I promoted the thread, so what. It was still a banger. If it was shitty, it wouldn’t have done nearly as well as it has even with the promo.

It’s nice to now know for sure that I can help people at scale.

Build out your Binge Bank | me once again (inspired by @DylanJardon)

Welcome to BANK, my friends.

Did you really think I wasn’t gonna give you at least one track?

5 videos on Why You should Stop Caring about What Other People Think

how to get over the fear of creating (+ why you need to) | Zach Pogrob

More obsession.

Stop overthinking it.

Just do the thing.

Disappear For 2-4 Hours A Day (The Millionaire Productivity Routine) | Dan Koe

Even Dan Koe shaved his head. I’m telling you guys, it’s a GAMECHANGER.

If you thought Dan was a force before, look out! He’s about to take it to another level. I’m excited to see his #obsessionarc play out.

The SECRET to my Creativity and Motivation | David Choe

I love this video. The animations are sick. And you get to hear from the legend himself.

We’re all going to die. | @bymaximise

Sick account that’s blowing up since the start of the year. For good reason. Straight gas.

I think about death a lot. Probably more than most people do.

I’ve written about it here: The Power of Writing

I don’t want what I could’ve achieved staring back at me while I’m laying on my death bed.

F*ck that.

Dance like no one’s watching at red lights🕺🏼🔥 | @kade_peterson

This sh*t killed me ngl 💀 I’ve been loving the “try to make myself as uncomfortable as possible” type videos across social media. Kade’s vids are top tier in this category.

If you just want some laughs or you’re afraid of doing something, check him out.

That’s all folks for this week folks.

Thanks for tuning in.


On life, death, and love | Contentsation 003


On just starting | Contentsation 001