On Finding Your Passion Through Failure | Contentsation 009

1 Year of Failure

I lost a lot of $$$ trying to Start a Business: Here’s what I learned. | me

Last year, in 2023, I set out to start my own business. If you look at the numbers, you’d think it didn’t go so well.

I lost a lot of money 💰

But it was worth every penny. Because I learned so so much.

And it led me here, to you :)

I talked about losing money over the course of 2023 here in this video below, but I recommend reading the article above as well for some nice Show & Tell / Behind the Scenes info.

2 Videos on the Getting Paid to Play

Skool CEO: Why young men don't do the work | Hamza x Sam Ovens

The only way to figure out what “business” game you want to play is by trying out and playing different types of games.

It’s not all about the money. A lot of people get caught up in that.

I was one of them.

“If you’re only doing it for money, it won’t last.” - Sam Ovens, CEO of Skool

Fall in love with the game of whatever you’re working on.

Like Michael Jordan: Play early. Learn later.

The work you have to do becomes play you want to do. But you can’t get there without doing it first.

The work becomes automatic. An extension of you. It’s something you look forward to doing it.

Loving what you do makes you a weapon. Because you’re going to be thinking about it more than the guy who is just doing it to make money.

It consumes you and gives you something to live for.

How Intelligent Creators Will Make Money In 2024 (The Build Teach Earn Method) | Dan Koe

Dan Koe is a major reason why I started the content game. He explains the importance of joining the content creation game in this video.


Because not only is it fun to talk about the things you’re interested in and get paid for it, but also, your “stable” job is not as stable as you think it is.

That’s the lie we were sold.

You could be fired or laid off tmrw.

Or the day after. Or next week, or next month…

And even if you stick around, the game is changing so much that your job probably won’t even exist in a few years.

Would you rather…

  • Have fun doing what you love.

  • Get paid A LOT for it.

  • Be in control of how much $$$ you earn.


  • Work a job you’re not crazy about.

  • Make enough to pay the bills.

  • How much you earn is out of your hands and could stop on any given day.

3 Clips on Facing the Work to be Done

Figure out where to put your effort | David Goggins via @successskill

The only way you’re going to figure out what you want to do in life is to figure out what you don’t want to do.

If you’re lost in life…

Sit down and write out:

  • What you’re good at.

  • What you’re bad at.

  • What good things you like doing.

  • What bad things you want to get better at.

Pick 1 good thing to do and 1 bad thing to work on.

It will only take you 10 minutes.

But it will give you the direction you’re searching for.

For me:

  • Good at: writing

  • Bad at: talking on camera + telling stories off top

I started with Writing. Now I’m onto Video.

You need to have somewhere to place your effort.

Or you will never actually get anywhere.

The 🐠 don’t jump in the 🚤 | Tom Brady x Vic Blends

Say what you want about the guy, he’s pretty good at football.

Stop procrastinating. It’s probably not as hard you think and you’ll feel amazing after getting it done.

If you don’t do it, no one is going to do it for you. Point blank period.

Try. Fail. Do it again. Repeat.

The fish will come.

But sometimes, you gotta cast your line out there hundreds of times before you get a bite.

Most people live lives of quiet desperation because they hope to find a way around work. | Alex Hormozi

What do you want to work on? Work is work is work is work.

Until…work is play.

Getting past the initial stages of figuring out what you want to work on is the key. After that, it’s fun. It’s still work, but it’s fun work. It’s work that you look forward to doing.

There are many other new YouTube videos posted on my channel.

Still going strong in the NC1T Challenge (no cuts, one take).

Also, I got a nice shoutout from the Zach (who created the challenge) and has since rebranded it into “PR30” which he talks about in his blog here:

🏴 Introducing PR30 - A 30 Day Video Obsession Challenge - Sign up by end of day Monday 4/15/24

“The god of good fortune favors those who take action” - The Richest Man in Bablyon

How we doin?

🚨 New Section Alert! 🚨

wee woo wee woo

I’m going to start including updates on the numbers of my socials in these.

Not for vanity’s sake, but for others who are looking back on my journey months/years down the line so they can see what the ebb and flow of getting into this content game actually looks like in the numbers.

I don’t think I’ll do this every single week, but occasionally I will.

As of this morning Saturday, April 13, 2024…

First off, I made my first Amazon Associates commission!

I’ve made a total of $0.80 from my content. Deep pockets. I know.

Honestly, even thought it’s not even a full dollar, it’s still really validating to make any amount of money off of this stuff.

Another proof of concept: ✅

Here are all my social and newsletter #’s:

(the 2 unsubscribed on the newsletter subscribers screenshot were test emails that I removed fwiw)

Thank you all for being here! 🙏

Onward and upward 📈

Stay goodly,



On Reinventing Yourself | Contentsation 010


On Committing 🤝 | Contentsation 008