How to win the Creator economy: Follow these 3 steps

There are 3 major trends I’ve recently noticed across social media at large.

These trends hold the keys to success, especially for newer content creators.

Whether you’re new to the online scene, or if you’ve been here for a while, right now is a pivotal moment for everyone on social media.

If you don't ride these 3 waves 🌊 you will be left behind.

Here’s How to Win the Creator Economy in 2024…it’s not too late.

Take advantage of the opportunity right in front of you.

Follow these steps…

1. "Companionship Content" is the #1 way to build a cult following

"Companionship Content" is a term coined by @anuatluru in her blog "Working Theorys." The article where she explains this concept is called, “Companionship Content is King” (a fantastic read)


So what is “companionship content”?

Anu defines it as:

"long-form content that can be consumed passively — allowing the consumer to be incompletely attentive, and providing a sense of relaxation, comfort, and community."


  • Short-form videos have peaked

  • Long-form video content is and always will be king

  • Platforms are prioritizing long-form video

Why is long-form > short-form?

  • its easier to place ads on long-form

    • (more ads --> more $)

  • viewers watch long-form more passively

    • (less energy spent --> more watch time --> more ads --> more $)

  • long-form creates a deeper connection with viewer

    • (more human)

How to use short-form vs. long-form:

  • Reach new people with short-form

  • Build relationships with long-form

Source: “Working Theorys” by @anuatluru (linked above)

2. "Traditional Influencers" are an endangered species -- The "Authentic Creator" is on the rise

A new wave of creators are gaining massive followings with "authentic” content rather than "traditional influencing."


"Traditional Influencing" vs. "Authentic Creator":

  • overly performative vs. how they’d talk in conversation

  • highly-edited vs. raw, uncut, unedited

  • feels like an ad vs. feels like a friend

  • creating in order to sell products vs. documenting a journey and selling products that fit into the journey seamlessly


This is @sam_sulek:

  • an absolute unit of a bodybuilder

  • has amassed several million+ followers across all platforms by just recording himself talking to the camera while pumping iron. nothing fancy. no nonsense.

  • sure, he has an eye-catching physique, which definitely helps, but there are others built just like him but are nowhere close to the numbers he's putting up.

At the time of writing this article, he’s at:

  • Instagram: 5.6M followers

  • YouTube: 3.4M subscribers

  • TikTok: 2.5M followers

Next is @zachpogrob

  • leader of the obsessed 🏴 , has been seemingly everywhere ever since the start of this year after leaning into "raw, uncut" video.

  • He even created the PR30 Challenge (press record for 30 days, no cuts one take)

    • of which i was a part of because i believe so strongly in the power of raw video to build a cult following)

People are tired of being "influenced", they want to follow the journeys of REAL people living their REAL lives.

Record yourself just being you:

  • Talk about what you're already interested in.

  • Do what you already do.

  • Speak as if you're talking to a friend.

3. The greatest weapon against AI-generated content is your own story

AI-generated content is still so new but its already everywhere. With each new release, it's getting more difficult to distinguish AI from reality.

  • We've seen AI art in DALL-E and MidJourney.

  • AI video is just beginning to develop.

  • Then there's ChatGPT, of course.


AI video via @Hunter_Weiss

Crazy, right?

This is just the beginning…

There will be many more players who will join the AI content game over the next decade and on. The key for us, human creators, will be our ability to tell our own human stories.

AI doesn't have access to the stories that you have experienced over the course of your life because they're specific to YOU.

Humans love stories about other humans doing cool sh*t. Only you are you.

Double down on you by:

  • Going on a journey.

  • Documenting it.

  • Giving people a story to follow.

Key Takeaways

You can still win 2024 (and probably the next few years) if you combine all 3.

Your Playbook:

  1. Companionship Content --> passive-long form video

  2. Raw, Uncut, Unedited Authentic Content --> not "influencing"

  3. Take them on a Journey --> your journey

Action Items:

  1. Tell your story (daily if possible)

  2. Record long-form videos

  3. Chop up long-form vids into short-form

  4. Be yourself

  5. Dominate

I'm so bullish on all 3 that i started recording daily videos and will be doing so for a full year - i'm 60 days in as of this article.

Now you know what to do.

Do it.

-Ryan Ward


I did a 5-Day Water Fast: here’s why.


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