Balding? Just shave it off.

So, you’re thinking about shaving your head.

Maybe you just started receding a bit.

Or perhaps you’re starting to see some thinning on the top of your dome.

You may even be the first of your friends to start losing it. It can feel like you’re all alone.

But don’t worry man. You are not alone.

It’s actually extremely common.

In fact, about 25% of males start losing their hair before age 21. By age 50, 50%, and up to about 70% will lose hair as they get older.” ¹

Let me guess, you’ve been trying to cover it up with hats…? a perfectly-styled combover..?

Maybe you even experimented with treatments like Minoxidil or Finasteride.

Listen man, I’ve been there. I’ve tried all of those things.

Now I’m bald. Like FULLY BALD.

Bald Eagle. Chrome Dome. Egg Head. Dome Piece. Bowling Ball. Baldilocks. Cue Ball.

I’ve heard it all.

And it’s whatever man…

That’s me. Bald. It is what it is.

me, bald.

Unfortunately, it is genetic. So there’s really not much you can do about it.

My dad has had the classic horseshoe for as long as I can remember.

Mine started to go when I was 21.

For some reason, I thought I had more time. That I’d have a full head of hair until I was at least 30 or 40.

Not sure why I thought that, but I was way off.

No matter the age you start to lose your hair, it’s too soon. You feel like you’ve lost your youth.

But bro, listen, being bald is really not so bad.

I have a feeling you’ve been thinking:

  • I’ll look old.

  • My head will look like an egg.

  • I won’t be able to find a girl who likes my bald ass head.

  • People will treat me differently.

  • I can’t pull it off.

I thought all of these things, too.

And guess what?

I’ve been fully bald for +1 year now. And I absolutely love it.

They say bald is beautiful, and they’re right.

There’s literally nothing that can compare to the feeling of freedom that hits you after shaving your head for the first time. Especially if you’ve been worrying about losing it for a while.

Once I finally shaved it off, I felt taller, lighter, faster, stronger. (N-Now-Now that, that don't kill me. Can only make me stronger. I need you to hurry up now… 🎶 )

It wasn’t always this way though. I was sitting right where you’re at.

  • It doesn’t look that bad, does it?

  • Should I just shave it?

  • Do I try Hims?

  • Would it be worth it to save up for a Hair Transplant?

Let’s get into it.

My Balding → Bald Story

I was balding for about 5 years before actually shaving my head.

For me, it started with receding around the temples —> a little thinning on the top —> the classic bald spot on the very top/back of my head.

Eventually, it all becomes one big thinning, wiry, barren mess.

5 years is a long time to be balding. It took me a loooong time to actually pull the trigger and shave it all off.

Why did I wait so long?


Fun fact: I’m actually a self-taught barber.

A bald barber? How cruel, how ironic…I like to think it’s poetic.

Story time. When I was 19, I learned how to cut hair by watching youtube videos. With the help of some very trusting friends, I was able to try out my newly learned skills. I wasn’t great at first, but I got better. Eventually, good enough to start a little barbershop business setting up a chair in the bathroom of my college dorm.

I even started to give myself full haircuts with the help of this thing (

I went all in on it. I upgraded my gear and made an Instagram account to market my services around campus and to my friends from high school when I went back home for breaks. (unfortunately, I’m locked out of this account because the email I set it up with has expired. RIP barecuts 😢 sad, I know)

I was able to find some gems I had saved on backup:

thank you to all of my loyal clients 🙏

Business was booming.

Then it happened…

A 21 year old Balding Barber

It was the summer after my junior year.

I noticed more hair than normal started to collect at the bottom of the shower each day.

“Noooo! It can’t be,” I thought. “I’m only 21.”

Well, it was true. No matter how much I wanted it not to be real, I was balding.

Looking back at this time, there were a few things that I believe accelerated my hair loss:

  • I was about to graduate from college, and I had no clue what I wanted to do with myself.

  • Over the previous 5 months, I’d put on about 25lbs of extra weight during my semester abroad in Madrid boozing, eating, and partying. I knew I had to drop this weight over the next 2.5months in order be ready for my senior soccer season. There was no way my fat ass could hit 2 miles in 12 minutes (our fitness test, the “Cooper”) at 220lbs. So I went on an extremely strict diet while also training and running every single day to prepare for the Cooper.

    • I came in around 195lbs by the start of the season, which was my goal weight, and I was/still am proud of that, but losing that much weight over so little time definitely took a toll on me.

    • Also, I passed the Cooper with a time of 11:52.

  • And the biggest factor of all, on top of those 2, was that my mom’s cancer had been sticking around longer than anticipated, which was weighing on me pretty heavily.

I think it’s safe to say I was under a good bit of stress that summer.

The lack of hair on my head in mid-August was proof.

Prior to my hair thinning, I already had the classic soccer player cut at this point - the undercut combover - So once I started losing it, I tried my best to give myself cuts that would cover up my growing bald spot. I’d use the longer hairs from the combover to swoop over the thinning area, aka The Swoop.

You know exactly what I’m talking about, don’t you?

It worked initially…at least I thought it did (it definitely didn’t).

But I was playing a losing game.

It got to the point where, let’s be honest, I had a pretty horrific lid.

If I didn’t keep the Swoop side long enough, your boy would’ve looked like prime George Constanza (not that there’s anything wrong with that 😉 )

I was trying to cover up what was inevitable.

And boy, did I try.

The barber in me wouldn’t let it die.


The summer after graduating, I was 22, just starting out in my first job after college, and I really didn’t want to be the bald guy at 22. Then I found Hims.

I used Hims for about 4 years (topical Minoxidil and pill Finasteride), and I’ll say this, it does work….to a degree.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but here’s the truth. They don’t tell you this (why would they) so I’m telling you - you’re never gonna look like the guys in the commercials with full heads of hair.

It stops the progression of hair loss, and you will see more hairs on your head, but you’ll never get back to what you once had.

More hairs will grow on your head by taking Finasteride along with applying Minoxidil, but the new hairs are never as thick as your previous hair follicles were.

Also, Minoxidil makes your head sticky and kind of wet and gross.

A word on the side effect of finasteride — If you’re considering this, do your research before starting!

From what I’ve seen/heard, there are people who have had negative side effects, like decreased sex drive, ED, and depression while taking finasteride.

In my personal experience, when I was taking this, I felt way more lethargic and somewhat more prone to be in a depressive state.

Maybe it was other things happening in my life at the time. Or maybe the fact that I was trying to cover up something about myself, not the drug itself.

Either way, eventually I just thought, is it really worth it?

It messes with your hormones. There’s going to be some give and take.

Is getting some hair back worth your overall mental well-being?

After a long time of experimenting with using both treatments, year on —> couple months off, repeat. I finally decided to stop.

Result: I definitely noticed a difference in my energy levels when I stopped taking Finasteride after about a month or so. I honestly felt a little stronger in the gym too.

Hair Systems and Hair Fiber Powders

I did not try either of these myself.

Personally, I think hair systems are f*cking ridiculous. If you have one, please do yourself a favor and get rid of it.

From what I’ve seen, the fiber powders do work to make your hair appear thicker. But if you start sweating, or if there’s even a light drizzle, your head is gonna start leaking.

Not to mention if someone touches your hair, they’ll be left with a powdery residue on their hands and you with an awkward situation on yours.

Not worth it.

Hair Transplant

This is by far the most extreme option.

Actually getting under the needle seemed like a lot for me personally for something as accessory as hair, even as a barber.

Sure, you have guys like Rob Holding or Matthew McConaughey who have had multiple surgeries, and now have luscious locks. But these guys make millions.

McConaughey’s I understand, it directly affects the roles he’s in on screen.

Although there are a ton of bald actors and other good-looking bald dudes: Jason Statham, Vin Diesel, The Rock, Terry Crews, Michael Jordan. To name a few.

Rob Holding played for Arsenal at the time of his surgery. And to be fair, his transformation is one of the best in the business, and he has the funds to do it, so sure go on lad.

Maybe he should’ve told Wayne Rooney who his surgeon was…

No offense to the legend. I’m just saying, imagine if he committed to being bald. He would’ve been even more unstoppable.

While we’re here, will someone please tell to LeBron to shave his damn head already. Bald suits him!

I wasn’t really asking for many people to take my picture over these years, but here’s the best pic I could find of me on the pitch with the classic Swoop.

a rainy day in mens league. balding exposed.

Bottom line: if you’re balding and you play soccer or any another sport, just shave it off mate.

Give us the full Cambiasso and call it a day.

From what I’ve seen, and it may depend on your doctor and your own conditions, but generally it will cost you about $2500 or more. I’ve seen claims of up to $30K for celebrity-level transplants.

Also, the healing process also takes way longer than you think. Probably around 6 months - 1 year before you see the full effects in action. And you’ll probably have to get another one every 5-10 years for maintenance.

If you’re seriously considering a hair transplant, please do your research!

  • Dr. Gary Linkov has some great informative content.

  • Also, fitness YouTuber Mike Thurston gives the full breakdown of his surgery here.

All of these methods to cope with hair loss may work for some time, but if you’re in your early 20s and you’re already balding, you’ve got a lot of years ahead of you to fight nature itself.

And to be frank, none of them are worth it.

You’re putting a bandaid on a bullet wound.

It’s not worth the money or recovery time for the transplant.

It’s not worth the monthly payment or the negative side effects of Hims.

And it’s definitely not worth a hair system. God, please do not do this.

Just shave it off man.

You’ll thank yourself.

After shaving my head, I was mad at myself for not doing it years sooner.

“F*ck it, let’s just embrace it”

My thinning hair got to the point where if there was anything more than a slight breeze, I’d need a hat. The wind was my worst enemy. Think about how dumb that is for second.

The wind, the wind, the f*cking wind. (s/o Riggs)

If I didn’t have a hat on, I’d constantly be fixing my hair hoping that I’d be able to perfectly situate it so that no one would know that I was balding. But no amount of positioning or styling product in the world could help the atrocity that was on my dome.

Who was I trying to kid anyway?

One day after work, I left for a happy hour and forgot to wear a hat. I realized on the walk that I was in for trouble.

Each street was like a wind tunnel.

Mind you, at this point, I kind of knew I wanted to shave it, but I still needed some more convincing. I thought, “ah man, I should go back and get my hat?” but something in me told me…”f*ck it, let’s ride.”

It was a final test for me.

Safety off. Give it to me straight.

I wanted to feel how uncomfortable I really felt.

Sure enough, I got to the happy hour.

It was an open courtyard scene, and I remember standing smack the middle, right out in the open.

Wind blowing my hair every which way.

My bald spot looked like the bat symbol in the dead of night.

Or so I thought.

I felt like a fraud.

Why did I care so much? It’s literally just hair.

If I’m meant to be bald, then I’ll be bald.

It’s just who I am.

It’s just me.

I decided it was time.

The Chop

The morning of, I recorded this:

I invited a few friends over, and I went live on Instagram while they shaved my head.

Going live was definitely a bit over the top, but for me, I was taking a massive weight off my shoulders, and it was good to have the boys with me. Also, it was a lot of fun and made for a great night out after.

Here’s some footage of the evening…

Before vs. After. Can you tell the thumbs up is my go-to?

Hope you enjoyed looking back on that as much as I did.

Look at how relieved I am after. If that isn’t proof to shave your head, I don’t know what is.

I went with the buzz first as you can see here. Then progressively went shorter and shorter until I got to full bald, which is what I’ve been rocking for the greater part of a year now.

Trust me, you’ll feel way better and look way better fully bald than you do balding.

I guarantee it.

Lessons from +1 year of Being Bald

Let’s address what’s holding you back again:

I’ll look old.

True, but also that you’ve aged like a fine wine.

My head will look like an egg.

Facial hair is your friend.

Unless you have a jawline like the Rock, I highly recommend growing some facial hair to avoid your eyebrows being the only hair on your face. I’ve went full bald + baby face and it’s not a great look for me personally.

I also have to be careful of any sort of thin goatee or else I start to look like Mr. 305, who I was conveniently for Halloween this year.

me, as Pitbull. Halloween 2024. Can I get a Kodak?

Not the worst thing ever, people love that man. But I don’t need to be DALE-ing year round.

I won’t be able to find a girl who likes my bald ass head.

Before shaving my head, I had a friend who was already bald tell me - “there are gonna be some that aren’t that into, but the ones that are into it, are really into it”. This is 100% the truth.

People will treat me differently.

They will, but it’s still just you.

I feel like I got the best reactions from some of my friends’ parents or family members that are older than me. I think it made them realize, “damn, if he’s bald now I must be pretty old, huh?” (if you’re reading this, it’s all love ❤️ )

I can’t pull it off.

A wise man once told me, “whether you have a lot of hair or none at all, if you’re good looking, you’ll be good looking.”

If you need some convincing, try the bald filter on Snapchat.

A great account to check out is Bald Cafe on YouTube, too. Harry James talks to bald dudes around the world about their journeys and shares his own recs/tips for being bald.

You most certainly CAN pull it off, you beast.

Other benefits:

  • Lift heavier. Maybe it’s just me, but with a fresh shave I feel like I can lift a house.

  • No bad hair days. Rain and wind aint got nothing on you.

  • Save $$$ on haircuts. $30-$50 (or more) a month back in your pocket.

  • Convenience. Wake up and you’re ready to get after it. You can also give yourself a fresh cut at any time. And it takes 15 minutes tops.

  • Confidence. Once you shave it off, you’ll feel like a new person. And if you start tossing some weight around in the gym, and you’ll look like an absolute weapon. The bald + beard + jacked look is timeless. There’s no doubt you’ll look like a badass anywhere you go. You’ll have to try really hard to not look like a sexy motherf*cker.

  • Join the club. On nights out, you’ll get compliments from your bald brothers (or sisters). I’ve had it happen several times from complete strangers. And often, if I’m in the vicinity of another bald lad or lass, I’ll show them some love. It’s a very wholesome community. None of chose this path for ourselves. But that’s what makes it so special. And if you’re rocking the chrome or even a buzz cut in solidarity, you have my respect ✊

My Grooming Recommendations

Traditional Razor - for when I have time and want to get as close as possible to the skin. 10 mins.

Electric Shaver - if I’m in a rush, or I just don’t feel like shaving my head with a razor. 4 mins.

Beard Trimmer - beard line ups/under neck maintenance

I’m still on the hunt for a good shaving cream, preferably checking these boxes:

  • all natural ingredients

  • doesn’t clog the sink drain or the razor itself when the hair is a bit longer

  • doesn’t leave any residue on your head after shaving.

Let me know if you have any recs!

How to Shave your Head Quick and Close:

If you have 15 mins, this is the move:

  1. Skull Shaver to take down the bulk.

  2. Hot shower to soften the hair and loosen the skin on your head.

  3. Leaf Razor with shaving cream to get nice and close.

  4. Rinse with cold water to lock it in.

With these steps, I get a super close shave, it doesn’t clog the drain with shaving cream goop filled with longer hairs, and my skin feels nice and soft with no irritation.

To conclude…

Ditch the hat. Stop worrying about how it looks. Don’t wait as long as I did.

Just shave it bro.

Bald > Balding

You won’t regret it.

Bonus: My Barber Arsenal

In case you were curious ;) I gotchu.

I’m an Andis man tride and true, clearly.

  • Andis Masters Corded -

  • Andis Masters Cordless -

    • This didn’t exist back when I was cutting hair, but I 100% would’ve gone with the cordless had it been out back then. More mobility.

  • Andis T Outliner -

  • Andis Double Mag Clip-On Guards (0-4) -

    • Get the double mags, the single mags pop off way too easily

  • Andis Supra ZR II (cordless, detachable guards, not clip-ons) -

    • No lever on this puppy, leave the fading for the Masters.

    • This can be used for shaping with clipper over comb or chopping down bulk.

  • Andis Detachable Blade Set -

    • You kinda have to get the in between #’s as one-offs.

    • I haven’t found any sets with all the #’s you’d need for a complete set, but this one covers the basics.

  • Andis Clipper Comb -

    • Wide comb. Makes clipper over comb nice and easy.


¹ Male Pattern Baldness (Androgenic Alopecia), Cleveland Clinic, URL:


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